We believe...
In one true God who lives in eternal relationship as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and who, as creator of all things, rules over the universe in love and grace. In making all people in his image, God declares that all have dignity and worth. Yet by our sin we are eternally separated from Him.
However, God is loving and compassionate and He sent His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, born of the virgin Mary, fully human and fully divine, to take humanity’s punishment upon himself. Christ’s death and resurrection defeated death, sin and the devil, providing for our forgiveness and an eternal relationship with God through His grace by faith in Christ.
We are part of His universal church – the family of God and our life together is a work of the Holy Spirit, who leads us to repentance, unites us with Christ through new birth, empowers our discipleship and enables our witness. This new life grows through studying the Bible and our relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Bible is the divinely inspired Old and New Testament scriptures, the written Word of God and is fully trustworthy for faith and conduct. As children of God called from all nations, we are to be a missionary people, a light to the world, proclaiming the gospel through words and deeds.
We look forward to the coming of Christ in glory and judgment, through which a new heaven and earth will be established in eternal peace and joy.
Our declarations of principles...
The two ordinances recognised by the church are Baptism and Communion.
We practice believers’ baptism by full immersion for those who have confessed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We meet at least monthly for the Communion of the Lord's Supper to which all are invited and in which all who have a personal faith in the Lord Jesus are invited to participate.
We acknowledge the Lordship of Christ over His universal church and believe that His will is discerned through the members of the local church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.