Muswell Hill Baptist Church
Safeguarding Children and Young People
We exist to worship and serve God and working together we endeavour to demonstrate the transforming power of Christ, to introduce people to Jesus and to encourage all of us to grow more like him.
We seek to develop invitational:
In fulfilling this purpose/vision the church
Has a programme of activities with children and young people (Currently suspended)
Welcomes children and young people into the life of our community
Makes our premises available to organisations working with children and young people
Responsibilities for Safeguarding
The church recognises its responsibilities for the safeguarding of all children and young people under the age of 18 (regardless of gender, ethnicity, or ability) as set out in The Children Act 1989 and 2004, Safe from Harm ( HM Government 1994)and working Together to Safeguard Children ( HM Government 2010)
As members of the church we commit ourselves to the nurturing protection and safeguarding of all children and young people associated with the church and will pray for them regularly.
In pursuit of this we commit ourselves to the following policies and to the development of procedures to ensure their implementation.
Prevention and reporting of abuse
It is the duty of each church member and each member of the wider church family to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people and the duty of all to respond to concerns about the well being of children and young people and to report any child abuse disclosed, discovered or suspected. The church will fully cooperate with any statutory investigation into any suspected abuse linked with the church.
Safe recruitment, support and supervision of workers
The church will exercise proper care in the selection and appointment of those working with children and young people, whether paid or voluntary. All workers will be provided with appropriate training, support and supervision to promote the safeguarding of children.
Respecting children and young people
The church will adopt a code of behaviour for all who are appointed to work with children and young people so that all children and young people are shown the respect that is due to them.
Safe working practices
The church is committed to providing a safe environment for activities with children and young people and will adopt ways of working with children and young people that promote their safety and well being.
A safe community
The church is committed to the prevention of bullying of children and young people. The church will seek to ensure that the behaviour of any who may pose a risk to children and young people in the community of the church is managed appropriately
Responsible people
The church has appointed Jonathan Ashley-Norman as the Safeguarding Trustee to:
Oversee and monitor implementation of the policy and procedures on behalf of the church’s charity trustees
The church has appointed Rosemary Pettman as the designated person for Safeguarding to:
Advise the church on any matters related to the safeguarding of children and young people
Take the appropriate action when abuse is disclosed, discovered or suspected
Policy and procedures
A copy of the policy statement will be displayed permanently on the notice board at the back of the church.
Each worker with children and young people whether paid or voluntary will be given a full copy of the policy and procedures and will be required to follow them.
A full copy of the policy and procedures will be made available on request to any member of the church the parents or carers of any child or young person from the church or any other person associated with the church.
The policy and procedures will be monitored and reviewed at least annually at the church meeting in January together with a report on the outcomes of the annual review.
Muswell Hill Baptist Church Soup Kitchen (Community Kitchen)
Safeguarding Policy Document
The soup kitchen, sited in the Sports Hall, will be made as accessible as possible to all people. Any restrictions to access, visibility, audibility, toilet facilities, lighting or heating will be addressed wherever possible, and where necessary, aids and adaptations put in place.
Every effort will be taken to use appropriate language and suitable vocabulary, enabling the greatest level of inclusivity and accessibility.
We will take reasonable steps to safeguard adults at risk and will follow any specific safeguarding requirements as laid out by our insurance company.
Financial integrity
Arrangements are in place for dealing with money, financial transactions and gifts, as outlined below. These relate to both paid staff and volunteers:
• Those who work with adults at risk may become involved in some aspects of personal finance - collecting pensions or benefits, shopping or banking, etc. If handling money for someone else, always obtain receipts or other evidence of what has been done.
• Workers should not seek personal financial gain from their position beyond any salary or recognised allowances or expenses.
• Workers should not be influenced by offers of money.
• Any gifts received should be reported to the church trustees, who should decide whether or not the gift can be accepted.
• Any money received by the church should be handled by two unrelated church workers.
• Care should be taken not to canvass for church donations from those adults who may be at risk, such as the recently bereaved.
• Workers should ensure that church and personal finances are kept apart to avoid any conflict of interest.
• If someone alters their will in favour of an individual known to them because of their church work or pastoral relationship, it should be reported to the trustees. Workers should not act as Executors for someone they know through their work or pastoral role, as this may lead to a conflict of interests.
• Expert legal advice should be sought on matters such as Power of Attorney and Appointeeship to ensure that the situation is clearly understood and is the most appropriate course of action for the adult at risk.
Workers should make sure that they have the person's permission to take a picture, and that the subject is happy with the intended use of the pictures. When taking group pictures, workers should remember to get permission from everyone who will be photographed.
Record keeping
It is good practice to record support worker visits or meetings, noting the date, time, location, subject and any actions which are to be taken. Factual records should be made avoiding opinion. From time to time the Soup Kitchen Director/Trustees will observe the soup kitchen session and interview the service users. Any records of safeguarding allegations, concerns or disclosures should be passed on to the Trustees and stored in a safe and secure manner for at least 75 years. Please refer to Baptist Union of Great Britain Safeguarding Record Keeping Guide available on their website.
Relationships with service users
All those involved in the soup kitchen should work in a way that follows clearly defined procedures, which set out the boundaries to protect those carrying out the ministry as well as those receiving it:
• Workers should be aware of the innate power imbalance within relationships with service users and the potential for abuse of trust.
• Behaviour that suggests favouritism or gives the impression of a special relationship, should be avoided.
• Workers should be aware of the dangers of dependency developing within a client relationship.
• Workers should be mindful of any physical contact or greeting they use within a client relationship, seeking consent if physical contact is offered, for example as a means to offer comfort.
• Workers should never take advantage of their role and engage in sexual activity with someone with whom they have a a support worker relationship.
• All people receiving soup kitchen ministry should be treated with respect and should be encouraged to make their own decisions about any actions or outcomes.
• Workers should not engage personally to anyone whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• Workers need to recognise the limits of their own abilities and competencies and get further help when working with situations outside of their expertise or role.
• Workers should seek advice from the Trustees if they believe that someone they are supporting is becoming dependent on them or developing an inappropriate emotional attachment.
Workers doing food deliveries, out of necessity ,sometimes enter the homes of our customers. When this happens a record will kept of the time and place of the visit and the name of the person doing the delivery.